Green cities: an analysis of the environmental management strategy in the city of paragominas - Pará – Brazil
International Journal of Development Research
Green cities: an analysis of the environmental management strategy in the city of paragominas - Pará – Brazil
Received 18th February, 2021; Received in revised form 11th March, 2021; Accepted 20th April, 2021; Published online 30th May, 2021
Copyright © 2021, Camila Da Costa De Sousa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The growth of environmental awareness and preservation and the search for new ways to manage natural resources can minimize the predatory occupation of the Amazon. As a result of this fact, civil society and public authorities developed the Green Municipality project, as a strategy to reconcile production with good environmental practices, in the municipality of Paragominas, state of Pará, Brazil. The research data came from interviews with representatives of the public power in addition to bibliographic and documentary research carried out to analyze the characteristics of this model of environmental management in the municipality of Paragominas-Pará. According to a public manager, the group of family farmers was the most resistant to the implementation of the project in the municipality, as they used the method of clearing and burning the forest on properties for charcoal production and opening new areas for production. Thus, the adoption of an environmental management system does not mean harm and becomes a possible reality even in the Amazon region, which is the scene of so many conflicts, if the social actors act in a collaborative way and the state seeks to mediate interest of both, as well as the search for improvements is constant.