Gis based morphometric analysis of sub-basins of gabharu river basin, north-east, India
International Journal of Development Research
Gis based morphometric analysis of sub-basins of gabharu river basin, north-east, India
Received 24th March, 2017; Received in revised form 19th April, 2017; Accepted 07th May, 2017; Published online 16th June, 2017
Copyright© 2017, Bandeepa Medhi and Dr. Madhurjyajit Chakrabartty. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Basin morphometric analysiswas undertaken tocharacterize the different aspects of the Gabharudrainage basin. In the present study, morphometric analysis of the5th order sub-basins of Gabharu river basin has been carried out using geographical information system (GIS) techniques. The morphometric parameters considered for analysis includes the linear, areal and relief aspects of the basin. The Gabharu river basin covers an area of 330.712 sq km and is a 6th order drainage basin. The mean bifurcation ratios of the sub-basins indicate highly dissected elongated drainage basins. Thebivariate analysis of the different aspects are in accordance with the established Laws on morphometry. The study revealed dominant fluvial and structural influence on the development of the basin.