General provisions of the feasibility study of the application of the method of dual completion operation in the design of wells

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

General provisions of the feasibility study of the application of the method of dual completion operation in the design of wells

Deryaev Annaguly Rejepovich


Introdução: The article discusses the general provisions of the feasibility study for the use of dual completion operation on the example of the experience of Turkmenistan, where an experimental test was conducted on four wells of the Northern Goturdepe field located in the coastal zones of the coastal waters of the Caspian Sea. Geological materials and materials of previously drilled wells were used for the design, as well as analysis of hydrodiamic and thermodynamic indicators from the existing well stock. Oil samples were also taken from wells in order to conduct laboratory analyses to fully determine their characteristics. The calculation of the economic efficiency of these four wells was carried out, according to the results of which the economic effect was determined by reducing capital expenditures for drilling and development of a multi-layer field. This work can be used and useful to fulfill the tasks set for the accelerated development of multi-layer deposits, which will eventually lead to a significant reduction in the volume of drilling wells, respectively, and funds.

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