Falls in the elderly patient: The role of the multiprofessional team in prevention

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Falls in the elderly patient: The role of the multiprofessional team in prevention

Simone Souza de Freitas, Pâmela Adelina da Silva Damasceno, Jéssica de Oliveira Inácio, Adryelle Santana da Silva, MacelleIane da Silva Correia, Janilson Ferreira Alexandre, JaedsonCapitó de Santana, Tereza Natália Bezerra de Lima, Thais da Silva Oliveira, Daniela Leocadio Barros da Silva Oliveira, Pollyanna Agostinho de Lima, Cinthia Furtado Avelino, Thayse Mota Alves, Sandra Regina Silva de Moura, Jully Hannay Santos de Souza, Joyce Kelly Tomaz da Fonseca, Amanda Maria da Cunha Calado, Jany Kelly Cardoso Silva, Maria Tayná Silva Feitosa, Reginaldo Luís da Rocha Júnior, Nathália de Moura Figueiredo, Eunice de Fátima Soares da Cunha and Vanessa dos Santos Nunes


Population aging is a phenomenon that has occurred on a global scale, especially in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), elderly are all individuals aged 60 years or older. Worldwide, one in 9 people is 60 years of age or older, and is estimated to rise to 1 in 5 by 2050. This is a systematic literature review, which is a review that aims to synthesize the results of primary studies that meet the eligibility criteria to answer a research question. Evidence was gathered about and nursing interventions applied as actions to prevent the risk of falls in the elderly. The study question was elaborated P about research and search for the test strategy, it is not qualified: population: elderly; intervention: strategies used by the multidisciplinary team; comparison: multidisciplinary team; “results”: prevention of falls. Therefore, the following guiding question was elaborated: What is the role of the multidisciplinary team in preventing the risk of falls in the elderly population? The bibliographic survey was carried out from January to May 2022. However, a multidimensional evaluation through professionals such as nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists and physical therapists with the purpose of all control of their health as a multidimensional care of professionals fundamental in the practice of medical care regarding the prevention of falls, identifying the types of health that can cause the fall, as well as presenting the consumption of medicines that will identify for this event. In the care of the elderly, a multidisciplinary team should be required to carry out a shared action plan, with the objective of increasing the number of health promotion and disease prevention actions. Thus, each professional with their knowledge will specifically define the strategy of care and orientation to the patient, forming a network of attention and care to the health of the elderly.

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