The existence of deep balinese culture hindu theological perspective

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

The existence of deep balinese culture hindu theological perspective

I Ketut Gede Harsana


Religion as a cultural system is a pattern of behavior consisting of a series of rules, plans, and instructions that humans use to regulate their actions, as expressed by an American anthropologist, Clifford Geertz. The understanding organization contained in symbols related to the expression of human behavior is understood as culture. Religion can not only be understood as a set of non-human values, but also as a system of knowledge and a system of symbols that can generate meaning. Communities in the area have their own culture that is in accordance with the values of the people's views that reflect the people's outlook on life. Culture then turns into values and norms that become local culture. Local culture is often called local wisdom which can be interpreted as a whole including and can be considered the same as cultural identity which is translated as the cultural identity or personality of a nation, which results in the nation being more able to absorb and cultivate culture. influence that came to him. from outside his own area, according to his character and personal needs. The interaction between religion and culture has resulted in cultural diversity.

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