An evaluation of the relationship between the chosen basic motoric characteristics of students aged from 6 to 12 doing regular exercises and some variables

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

An evaluation of the relationship between the chosen basic motoric characteristics of students aged from 6 to 12 doing regular exercises and some variables

Kubilay Cimen


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the physical and chosen basic motoric characteristics of students aged from 6 to 12 doing regular exercises. The population of the study consists of Tuncay Artun Primary School, Kıraç Primary School, Ümraniye Birlik Primary School, Süleyman Çelebi Primary School and Ragıp Kutmangil Primary School which are all active in İstanbul, and the sample of the study consists of 379 students chosen from these schools. Tall Stature-Bodyweight, Flexibility, Claw Force, and Balance measurements of the volunteers who participated in the study are taken. SPSS 20 packaged software is used in the analysis of the data. “Kolmogorov-Smirnov” test is applied to determine that the data had normal distribution; “Anova Homogeneity of Variance” test is applied to determine their homogeneity. It is determined that the data had normal distribution and they were homogeneous. “Pearson Correlation” analysis is used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the study it is found out that there is a positive relationship between tall stature and vertical jump tests but there is a negative relationship between flexibility and reaction tests. It is determined that there is a negative relationship between bodyweight and vertical jump test, flexibility test and reaction test.

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