Evaluation of the efficacy of bilvataila karnapurana and karnabasti in the management of vardhakyajanya badhirya (Presbycusis)

International Journal of Development Research

Evaluation of the efficacy of bilvataila karnapurana and karnabasti in the management of vardhakyajanya badhirya (Presbycusis)


With the aim to evaluate the efficacy of Bilva taila Karnabasti and Bilva Taila Karnapuran in the management of Vardhakyajanya Badhirya (Presbycusis), a Single blind randomized clinical study was done. For the clinical study of Vardhakyajanya Badhirya (Presbycusis), 30 subjects was selected and studied. Subject’s fulfilling the criteria of diagnosis was studied irrespective of their religion, caste, sex and socio-economic status from shalakya-tantra department of the institute after thorough scrutiny and proper consent in his/her language. The Subject’s having age between 55-75 yrs was selected for the clinical Study. Detail history of the patient were elicited, pathological investigation including Hb, TLC, DLC, RBS and required radiological investigation were done in a diagnostic Centre. The examination of the Ear Audiometry , Vestibular examination , Otoscopic examination is also carried out with the help of modern viewing techniques. After observation and analytical study with the help of Wilcoxon sign rank test and Man-whiteny test it was concluded that inVardhakyajanya Badhirya (Presbycusis) treatment with Bilva taila Karnabasti shows more effective Result in relieving sign and symptoms than Bilva Taila Karnapuran.

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