Epilepsy in children with cerebral PALSY in Misurata Central Hospital, Libya

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Epilepsy in children with cerebral PALSY in Misurata Central Hospital, Libya

Mohamed Abdelmalek, Maryem E. Ismail, and Hala M. Shahout


Objective: To describe the prevalence and characteristics of epilepsy in patients with cerebral palsy Methods: A total of 50 consecutive patients with cerebral palsy were retrospectively studied. Criteria for inclusion were follow-up period for at least 2 years. Types and incidence of epilepsy were correlated with the different forms of cerebral palsy. Other factors associated with epilepsy such as age of first seizure, neonatal seizures and family history of epilepsy were also analyzed. Results: follow-up ranged between 6 and 150 months (mean 57 months). The overall prevalence of epilepsy was 72%. Incidence of epilepsy was predominant in patients with quadriplegic and hemiplegic palsies: 92.5 % and 54.5 % respectively. First seizure occurred during the first year of life in 77.7% of patients with epilepsy. Generalized and partial were the predominant types of epilepsy (80.5 % and 19.5 %, respectively). Neonatal seizures and family history of epilepsy was associated with a higher incidence of epilepsy Conclusions: Epilepsy in cerebral palsy can be predicted if seizures occur in the first year of life and in neonatal period and if there is family history of epilepsy.

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