Epidemiological analysis of dengue, zika and chikungunya fever in the municipality of Augustinópolis, state of Tocantins, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

Epidemiological analysis of dengue, zika and chikungunya fever in the municipality of Augustinópolis, state of Tocantins, Brazil

Janayna Araújo Viana, Wilian Vaz-Silva, Darlan Tavares Feitosa, Lêonidas Antônio Chow Castilho, Ana Maria da Costa Teixeira Carneiro, Maikon Chaves de Oliveira, Marcela de Oliveira Feitosa, Fernando Luiz Affonso Fonseca and Martin Dharlle Oliveira Santana


This research aims to describe the expansive and epidemiological characteristics of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya fever in the year 2016 and their relationship with environmental aspects in the municipality of Augustinópolis, State of Tocantins. Descriptive and cross - sectional quantitative research. The sample of this research was composed of all reported cases of Dengue, Zika and Fever Chikungunya, in the year 2016 in the municipality of Augustinópolis, State of Tocantins, made available by the Notification of Invalidity Information System. Have been notified 141 cases of Dengue, 39 cases of Zika Virus and 7 cases of Chikungunya Fever were reported. The incidence rate for notifications of Dengue and Zika was higher in the rainy season. Therefore strategies and measures of prevention and control should always be evaluated and (re) modified, since the vector Aedes aegypti has high power of adaptation and proliferation according to the environmental and seasonal changes.

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