Elaboration of the water safety plan in a water supply system in the Brazilian northeast

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Elaboration of the water safety plan in a water supply system in the Brazilian northeast

Andréa Quaranta Barbosa, Rômulo André Santos Silva, Maria Aparecida Faustino Pires, Álvaro Silva Lima, Rubens Riscala Madi and Maria Nogueira Marques


The Water Safety Plan is a tool used to identify, assess and manage health risks related to any water supply system. In order to do so, a study was carried out in a supply system, located in the northeast of Brazil, composed by Fountain Caldas (P1) and Well Cipó (P2), as sources of raw water abstraction, and by the Distribution Reservoir (P3) treated. Water collection, land use and land use assessment and analysis of possible risks were carried out in the vicinity of these three points and in another site (P4) to obtain the treated water. The quality of the raw water was evaluated by the parameters of the Resolution of the Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente n° 396/2008 and the water treated according to the parameters of Ordinance nº 2914/2011 of the Ministry of Health. Observing the probability of occurrence of risk and the severity of consequence of the events. Therefore, 17 control points with low rating were detected, and two with moderate rating. Control measures were suggested for each identified critical point, mainly related to water quality monitoring and system maintenance.

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