The effects of social isolation related to anxiety

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

The effects of social isolation related to anxiety

Alessandra Morelatto Simões, Júlio César Pinto Souza, Ewerton Augusto Costa Bandeira, Leôncio Rodrigues de Figueiredo and David Barbosa de Alencar


Since the first records of cases related to COVID-19, there has been a substantial increase in problems related to the mental health of populations affected by this disease. Social isolation is the cause of many uncertainties and triggers a lot of anxiety. Such circumstances impose routine adaptations that, in most cases, end up causing intense emotional distress, weakening the individual's psychological structure. This work is relevant due to the situation of psychopathologies triggered in the population, to a greater or lesser degree, resulting from social isolation by Covid-19. This work is characterized by systematic research to analyze the occurrence of psychosomatic symptoms in social isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Cognitive Behavioral Theory, the cognitive models of generalized anxiety, Beck, Emery and Greenberg propose that individuals experience diffuse anxiety because their beliefs about the world end up making them prone to interpret certain situations as threatening. Many mental disorders are triggered in this moment of instability, making the mental health of the populations of the affected countries, the focus of several studies. There is still a lot of uncertainty about the effects of the “post-Covid” period, with the maintenance of measures adopted in times of crisis as well as the future impacts on people's lives. In this context, there is an urgent need for a broad debate aimed at tackling this problem, which is so pervasive in the lives of individuals. It is concluded that there is an urgent need for the implementation of public policies aimed at caring for the psychological well-being of people, with appropriate diagnoses of mental disorders and strategies aimed at promoting the recovery of collective mental health.

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