Effects of the pilates method in the pain of community-dwelling elderly: a Systematic review

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Effects of the pilates method in the pain of community-dwelling elderly: a Systematic review

Karine Demartini, Dáfne dos Santos Ribeiro, Roberta Pez Fagundes, Luciano Luiz Alt, Matheus Santos Gomes Jorge, Rodolfo Herberto Schneider and Lia Mara Wibelinger


The human ageing decrease the adaptation capacity and affects several dimensions of its everyday life which, among other alterations, can cause the decline of functional capacity and an increase in the prevalence of pain complaints. Pain in the elderly is highly prevalent and negatively affects the individual’s safety and autonomy, significantly reducing its quality of life. This systematic review verify the effects of the pilates method in pain complaints of community resident elderly. Searches from the three selected descriptors reached 293 articles within databases, from which 21 were fully analyzed. However, only 2 studies fulfilled the eligibility criteria and were included in the final sample. The results of the present systematic review have shown that the pilates method offers a reduction of pain in community resident female elderly.

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