Effectiveness of infra red light therapy on post operative wound healing and pain among abdominal hysterectomy women at selected Hospital, Bangalore

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Effectiveness of infra red light therapy on post operative wound healing and pain among abdominal hysterectomy women at selected Hospital, Bangalore

Marine Gladina Soren and Sangeetha, C.


Backgroud of the study: Pain is considered as important vital signs.1 Open wound have potential for serious bacterial wound infection Surrounding the relationship between stress, pain and delayed healing of acute and chronic wound healing process is a complex one2. Infra red light felt as Gentle heat, and improves blood circulation (by 400% within a few minutes!), hydration and oxygenation in the area. This supercharge blood flow brings pain relieving and healing components and speeds up recovery from any injury in the tissues or skin.3The true experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of infra red light therapy on post operative wound healing and pain among 60 abdominal hysterectomies who were allotted randomly into both experimental and control group. Modified Southampton grading scale for wound healing and Numerical pain scale were used to measure the wound healing and pain in order to get objective data. The result evidenced that the infra red therapy was effective on wound healing (2.810.p>0.05, 3.91.p>0.00) and pain (5.03.p>0.00, 4.82 p>0.00) among abdominal hysterectomy women within experimental group on 2nd and 3rd post operative days respectively. Comparison between the groups evidenced that pain that on 2nd postoperative day (Friedman value88.54 p>0.000) and 3rd post operative day (Friedman value 87.45 p>0.000). There was no significant association found between wound healing and pain with selected baseline variable. so the current finding evidenced that use of infra red therapy among post abdominal hysterectomy women is effective in reducing pain and there was no signification difference found in wound healing between the experimental and control group.

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