Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the development of red spider mite, Teteranychus ludeni Zacher at Varanasi

International Journal of Development Research

Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the development of red spider mite, Teteranychus ludeni Zacher at Varanasi


Lab experiment conducted to study the life cycle of spider mite, Teteranychus ludeni Zacher at mean room temperature in two different months March and May, 2009 on the leaves of cowpea (Vigna sinensis L.). The incubation period took 5.00±0.70 days in March and 4.20±0.40 in the month of May. Whereas, larval, protonymph and deutonymph period lasted for 2.00±0.54, 1.80±0.86 and 1.23±0.41 days, respectively in the month of March and 1.40±0.40, 1.60±0.74 and 1.80±0.56 days in the month of May, respectively. In male mite life cycle was completed 11.56±1.15 and 8.90±2.15 days, respectively in the month of March and May. But in female was complicated 13.99±1.02 days and 11.60±2.80 days, respectively at the mean temperature 25.95OC with relative humidity 72.50% in March and 35.30OC with relative humidity 52.50% in the month of May. Measurements and sexual behavior were studied in detail. The duration of life cycle of female was found longer than the male. The sex ratio was found 1:2.9 and 1.3.2 (male: female) in the respective month.

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