The effect of Solenostemma argel leaves extract on status of induced lipid constituents in albino rats
International Journal of Development Research
The effect of Solenostemma argel leaves extract on status of induced lipid constituents in albino rats
All cultures and societies have knowledge best described as folk medicine, and Sudanese people used S. argel to treat many diseases among them Hyperlipidemia. In this study the effect of ethanolic leaves extract of S. argel on lipid profile was examined in two groups of albino rats (control and experimental) each of six animal, after being provided with 2% cholesterol diet. Rats of the experimental group were each given 600 mg/kg of S. argel extract for 21 day and then each rat in the two groups was sampled for blood after zero, 7, 15 and 21 days and measured for lipid parameters namely: cholesterol (Chol), triacylglycerol (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDLP) and high density lipoprotein (HDLP). After this period, the control group was fed with normal diet only but provided with 600 mg/kg of S. argel extract for more two weeks after which each rat was similarly measured for lipid constituents after 7 and 14 days. The results revealed that S. argel extraction did not lead to any change in levels of all lipid constituents in the experimental group while uptake of cholesterol diet alone in the control group had lead to significant increase (p < 0.05) in each constituent by day 21. With the exception of HDLP, the high-produced levels of all remaining constituents in the control group were significantly reduced (p < 0.05) after two weeks of being provided with S. argel extraction. The present study concludes that S. argel is of high effect in reducing hyper cholesterolemia.