Effect of job enrichment on employee satisfaction in selected private universities in South-West Nigeria

International Journal of Development Research

Effect of job enrichment on employee satisfaction in selected private universities in South-West Nigeria


Job enrichment is an excellent means of enhancing employee job satisfaction and prevention of staff turnover or intention to leave an organization. However, little research has been conducted to determine the effectiveness of job enrichment in Nigeria organizational settings. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish the effect of job enrichment on job satisfaction of non-academic staff in selected private universities in South-West Nigeria. This study employed a cross-sectional survey design. The population of the study was 2462 non-academic staff distributed among the seven (7) approved private universities that had existed for six years in South-West Nigeria. A sample of 740 respondents was selected using multi stage sampling technique.618 filled questionnaires were returned but 547 was found useable. The simple regression model was used to analyze the data collected. The finding reveals that there is a significant positive relationship between job enrichment and employee satisfaction in selected private universities in South-West Nigeria. The regression results also showed that 44% of the variation in employee satisfaction can be explained by the changes in practice of job enrichment. With these findings, this study provides many implications for the practice of job enrichment.

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