The effect of donepezil in the cognitive function in elderly with alzheimer’s disease: an integrative review
International Journal of Development Research
The effect of donepezil in the cognitive function in elderly with alzheimer’s disease: an integrative review
Received 27th June, 2019; Received in revised form 11th July, 2019; Accepted 03rd August, 2019; Published online 28th September, 2019
Copyright © 2019, Glória Maria Sarinho et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Introduction: Considered as a neurodegenerative dementia, Alzheimer's is directly related to aging through the establishment of cognitive deficits. The main drugs used in the treatment of the aforementioned disease are acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors. Considered as a reversible acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor, Donepezil is the second medication most commonly used by elderly people with Alzheimer's disease because it is well tolerated and has beneficial effects on the cognition of affected patients. Objective: Study’s goal has been to analyze the scientific production about Donepezil’s effect in the cognitive function of elderly carriers of Alzheimer’s. Methods: This is an integrative literature review, with a bibliographic and documental approach that addresses the pharmacological treatment in the use of Donepezil in elderly people affected by Alzheimer's disease. The data gathering has been performed during the period of June to august of 2019 in the LILACS - Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature database, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Pubmed database. The search strategy used by the Health Sciences Descriptors (HSD) in the Lilacs and SciELO database: “Alzheimer” AND “elderly” AND “cognitive” AND Donepezil. Pubmed database accordingly with the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): Alzheimer” AND “elderly” AND “cognitive” AND “memory” AND “Donepezil”. Without limitations of studies periods. With the goal of minimize a possible publication bias, the research did not have a temporal limitation, not even the publication or size of the sample’s type. Results: The observed articles addressed the pharmacological properties of donepezil in the treatment of the elderly with Alzheimer's disease, as well as in the identification of mechanism of action, therapeutic effects, pharmacokinetic aspects, adverse effects and drug interactions of donepezil and in the understanding of the use of donepezil in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Conclusion: The role of the cholinergic system in cognition and the identification of cholinergic deficits in Alzheimer's disease allowed the development of drugs that restored cholinergic function, such as donepezil, which is a central action acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that acts, especially with the purpose of increasing the intrasynaptic availability of acetylcholine, leading to a decrease in the cognitive, functional and behavioral symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.