Effect of camphor and coconut oil in itcing in chikungunya

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
2 pages
Research Article

Effect of camphor and coconut oil in itcing in chikungunya

Dr. Dharam Chand, Dr. Shweta Mishra and Dr. Deena Nath Singh


The chikungunya virus (CHIKV), an RNA virus of the alphavirus genus of the family Togaviridae, is the virus that causes chikungunya, an illness spread by mosquitoes. The word “to become contorted" in the Kimakonde language is the source of the name"chikungunya." In 1952, the United Republic of Tanzania became the first country to identify CHIKV, and other nations in Africa and Asia followed. The earliest reports of urban outbreaks were made in India in the 1970s and Thailand in 1967. Since 2004, there have been increasingly regular and extensive CHIKV outbreaks. This is partially because the virus has evolved to make it easier for Aedes albopictus mosquitoes to transmit the infection.The onset of symptoms often happens three to seven days following a mosquito bite. Fever and joint pain are the most typical symptoms. Headache, aches in the muscles, swollen joints, and rash are possible additional symptoms. A mixture of coconut oil and camphor is one of the home treatments that work well for rashes and irritation.

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