Effect of ayurvedic medicines in ardhavabhedaka with special reference to migraine- a single case study

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

Effect of ayurvedic medicines in ardhavabhedaka with special reference to migraine- a single case study

Debajyoti Das, Dipsundar Sahu, Tusar Kanti Mandal, Saroj Kumar Debnath, Laxmidhar Barik, Ranjita Ekka and Prasad, P.V.V.


Migraine is a benign and recurrent syndrome of headache, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of neurological dysfunctions in varying admixtures. Migraine is one of the most common and misunderstood disease encountered in general medical practice. Patients often self-diagnose and self-medicate, resulting in inadequate treatment. Modern therapies such as analgesics, muscle relaxants, steroids, physiotherapies and even operative procedures are not fulfilling the patients' goal of healthy life. The patients have been seeking various non-conventional modes of therapy for the management of their headaches. Ardhavabhedaka can be scientifically correlated with Migraine due to its cardinal feature ‘half sided headache’ and also due to its paroxysmal nature. The present case study has been made to assess the efficacy of Shirasuladi bazra Rasa, Visatinduk Vati and Anu Taila nasya in the management of migraine. The patient was treated with the combination of Ayurvedic drugs and advised to follow proper diet & regimen. The patient got satisfactory symptomatic relief of pain within 2 months of treatment. No any harmful effects are found during entire study.

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