Determination of physicochemical parameters of tannery effluent polluted soil

International Journal of Development Research

Determination of physicochemical parameters of tannery effluent polluted soil


Discharge of total chromium content into the environment as industrial waste is one of the major causes of environmental pollution. Soil samples were collected from 12 sites, four from each of the study areas viz; Yankusa control land, Gasau dumpsite and Daula agricultural deposited site. The total chromium content was analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Physiochemical analysis of the contaminated and control land fill were also determined. The parameters determined were colour, odour, pH, temperature, Nitrogen, % potassium and % phosphorus etc. All parameters were found to be higher than the WHO limit except % Nitrogen, % Potassium and % Phosphorus that falls beyond. Equivalent statistical analysis on one way variance (ANOVA) shows that the concentration of the total chromium content varies significantly (α=0.05) between samples sites compared to the reference soil sample with F calculated value less than F tabulated (0.27/3.13) (0.27/3.13 and 2.32/3.13) respectively from the levels of total chromium, the results shows high level of total chromium content in the effluent discharge to the land fill and has passed the threshold level of 0.05mg/l. In this present investigation, the above parameters measured from control and polluted land fill are potential for profound effect on the contaminated soil itself, resident of microorganism, aquatic life and for further research work that will be done regarding to bioremediation process on land fill abatement.

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