Crack detection in underground pipeline systems
International Journal of Development Research
Crack detection in underground pipeline systems
Received 20th January, 2017; Received in revised form 07th February, 2017; Accepted 22nd March, 2017; Published online 20th April, 2017
Copyright©2017, Siddhi Baravkar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Underground pipeline systems need incredible maintenance. Due to tarnishing and mechanical stresses catastrophic defects are caused. These buried infrastructures need to be handled with the utmost care. Detecting cracks is very important as it causes great forfeiture of time and human efforts. Also, if these defects are not detected accurately it may cause a loss of the contents flowing through the pipelines. Detection of defects in underground systems is a fairly convoluted process. Currently it is done through a very manual procedure. Experienced human monitors the whole structure visually and tries to detect cracks using ultrasonic waves or electrically conductive material of the pipe line structure and marks the location of crack. Human efforts can be saved to a great extent by using robots to detect the faults and their locations. Corrective measures can be taken as soon as the location and kind of fault is spotted. By taking various methods of cracks and defects of pipelines under consideration, detection using robots is accurate and less time consuming despite being slightly complex. The robot will move along the inner circumference of the pipeline. Various conditions or cracks if any can be perceived by the sensors attached to the robot and their locations can be acquired via Bluetooth.