Correlation between depression levels of urban rural and slum adolescent girls and boys with their selected variables

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Correlation between depression levels of urban rural and slum adolescent girls and boys with their selected variables

Dr. Jyoti Solunke and Mrs. Amruta Misal


Irrespective of their gender and area of residence the depression level of the adolescent girls and boys were found to have significant negative correlation family socio-economic status, normalcy of children, age, education and occupation of parents, health status, academic achievements, social status of family, relations with parents, siblings and peers, physical appearance, body built, adopted patenting practices, special place in family and dietary pattern with their depression levels. School dropout rate, gender discrimination and parental expectations were found to have significant positive correlation with their depression levels. A sample of 600 adolescent girls and boys and their parents were selected in the study. Three hundred each of them belonged to Ambajogai and Latur taluka in that one hundred each belonged to urban, rural and slum areas of Marathwada region, Maharashtra state. Their age group was 16-18 yrs. and were from X to XII. The data pertaining to the study was collected by administering Depression Scale by Karim and Tiwari 1986 and revised Socio- economic Status Scale of Kuppuswamy in addition to personally interviewing the sample adolescents and their parents.

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