Content validation of operational definitions of hospitalization anxiety in children

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Content validation of operational definitions of hospitalization anxiety in children

Gabriela Lisieux Lima Gomes, Ana Márcia Nóbrega Dantas and Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega


Objective: To perform content validation of the attributes of the nursing diagnosis of Hospitalization Anxiety in children. Method: Methodological study, with descriptive-reflective nature, which used the method of Content Validation, following the steps: 1) selection of experts; 2) identification of characteristics that represent the definition and the factors related to diagnosis in a study by experts; 3) and calculation of the total score of the studied diagnosis. Results: The operational definitions could be analyzed through the opinion of experts who participated in this stage, with a view to identifying agreement or disagreement of the definitions previously built. This process showed 100% of agreement among the experts, considering the operational definitions established for the essential characteristics of the Hospitalization Anxiety in children. Conclusion: The identification of the nursing diagnosis is of fundamental importance to achieve a qualified assistance. Therefore, a validation process of operational definitions of essential characteristics that reflect this phenomenon is contributing not only to the steps of the validation process of diagnoses, but also to the implementation of the nursing process and improvement of the care provided to children who experience this context.

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