Comparative study on the energy efficiency of angle-oriented and golden spiral solar panels

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Comparative study on the energy efficiency of angle-oriented and golden spiral solar panels


Solar technologies are continuously and rapidly growing these days. Researchers continue to look for ways to optimize the harvesting of solar energy. Application of mathematical concepts is one way of increasing the efficiency of solar panels. This study used the concept of (1) Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence, and (2) perpendicularity angle to the sun to construct solar panels that would maximize the energy output of the panels. This study aimed to construct a golden spiral solar panel and angle-oriented solar panel respective to location, as well as, measure, record and compare the voltage, current produced, and the power generated by the solar panels. Results showed that the use of mathematical concept in constructing the solar panels significantly affects the energy output of both solar panels. Independent sample t-test revealed that the voltage of both solar panels was significantly different, while the current produced and the power output were comparable. The use of larger photovoltaic cells, data loggers and different orientations for Golden spiral solar panel is highly recommended. Longer period of data gathering under varying weather conditions is also recommended.

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