Coastal ecotourism-based development for fishermen settlement in labuan bajo, donggala, central sulawesi

International Journal of Development Research

Coastal ecotourism-based development for fishermen settlement in labuan bajo, donggala, central sulawesi


Education Donggala has a potency which consists of the settlements of fishermen and coral cape that has attractiveness in natural and cultural tourism. The potency of the region should play an important role in the development of the region. It can be seen from the growth of tourist arrived from year to year, but the fishermen are generally still low-income. This fact is an interesting phenomenon to be further investigated to determine the various issues related to non-optimal development of fishermen settlement potency with coastal ecotourism potential. In the development of the ecotourism-based fishermen settlement is required several steps to be taken, among others, primary and secondary data collection. The data collected are analyzed by descriptive qualitative to describe various socio-economic activities within the fishermen settlement zone in an effort to increase productivity and to keep the preservation of socio-cultural, economic and environmental friendly development facilities. Similarly, the development of trading activities in the form of management and sales of marine productivity. The final result of this research indicates that the activity zones of a settlement should be connected with the coastal eco-tourism zone, in order to support each other.

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