The characteristics of perspective taking tendecny on adolescents and its relation to social interest and self-efficacy
International Journal of Development Research
The characteristics of perspective taking tendecny on adolescents and its relation to social interest and self-efficacy
Received 14th April, 2017; Received in revised form 24th May, 2017; Accepted 26th June, 2017; Published online 22nd July, 2017
Copyright ©2017, Eko Darminto. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study aims at obtaining a description of the characteristics of the degree of tendency to take perspective taking in adolescents and its relationship to social interest and self-efficacy. The subjects of the study were 110 students who had reached adolescence period and randomly selected from three types of Senior High School (SMA, SMK, and MAN) in Surabaya. The research data was collected through self report technique and expressed in quantity size (number). The analysis was performed by using descriptive statistics and regression. The results of the analysis suggests that the tendency to take other people's perspectives on the subject group of adolescents is found to be low. 110 samples investigated and only 37 people or 34% who have a tendency to take the perspective of others is high. The results of regression analysis indicated that social interest and self efficacy contribute to increasing the tendency to take the perspective of others individually or collectively, but the contribution is relatively weak, ie 0.30 and 0.226.