Changing status of rural women through shg-bank linkage programme in telangana

International Journal of Development Research

Changing status of rural women through shg-bank linkage programme in telangana


The effectiveness of anti-poverty programmes like Self-Help Group-Bank Linkage programme depends, at least in part, on whether the programs do, in fact, reduce poverty or, more generally, raise the incomes of the low-income population. On one level, it is obvious that they must do so to some extent, because they provide positive benefits and hence they have to raise incomes and standard of living. On second level, SHG bank linkage programme is even provided benefits to below poverty line, an important question concerns their distributional impact and whether they affect primarily those at the very bottom of the income distribution or those just below poverty line. Since two and half decades of time, the SHG approach has been constituted the primary route towards poverty alleviation and development in Telanagana. The main objective of the study is the impact of SHG bank linkage programme on changing status of the rural poor women of Telangana. Primary and secondary data is used for the purpose of the study. A multi stage random sampling technique is used and the size of the sample is one hundred rural women SHG members. The study found out that the SHG bank linkage programme has a positive impact on the status of rural SHG women in Telangana state.

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