Challenges in achieving effective mentoring during teaching practice in teacher education institutions

International Journal of Development Research

Challenges in achieving effective mentoring during teaching practice in teacher education institutions


This study sought to find out the challenges in achieving effective mentoring during teaching practice in the teacher education institutions in Zimbabwe. The multiple case study design was used and five teacher colleges participated in this study.  The purposive sampling technique was used to select the participants.  The participants included student teachers and mentors. Data were generated through focus group discussions for both student teachers and lecturers. Data were analysed through interpretive study analysis. The study found out that a number of factors affected the quality of mentoring.  These included competencies of mentors, selection of mentors, lack of readiness on the part of student teachers to do practical teaching and lack of effective communication between the teachers colleges and the schools. The study recommended that mentors should be trained to enhance their skills in mentoring. Teachers colleges need to produce a mentoring handbook to use during the mentoring process. The study concluded that the quality of mentoring was negatively compromised because of poor mentoring practices in schools.

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