Cassava’s (manihotesculentacrantz) production characterization in the paraíso quilombola community, Acará, Pará State, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Cassava’s (manihotesculentacrantz) production characterization in the paraíso quilombola community, Acará, Pará State, Brazil

Janayna Galvão de Araújo, Marcos Antônio Souza dos Santos, Fabrício Khoury Rebello, Helder Epifane Rodrigues, Josiane Santos da Silva, Cyntia Meireles Martins, Andréia Santana Bezerra and Maria Lúcia Bahia Lopes


The production and consumption of cassava and its derivatives is part of the productive and food culture of the traditional populations of the Brazilian Amazon and, particularly, in the State of Pará. Cassava cultivation is widely disseminated throughout state; and, Acará municipality is an important producer, standing out in the cassava flour production and commercialization. The article’s objective was to evaluate socioeconomic and technological characteristics of cassava production and to identify cultivation practices in the Paraíso quilombola community, Acarámunicipality, Pará state. Data collection was performed through application ofa semi-structured questionnaire. The identified result shows that the average cultivated area is only 0.30 hectares of cassava per production unit. Cassava production is carried out in capoeira areas with rudimentary practices without mechanization use and modern inputs. The community cultivates predominantly for family consumption, selling only surplus. Tasks’ social division does not make a gender distinction, counting on the family's participation in the production process.

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