Case study in comprehensive from an older multidisciplinary approach nursing

International Journal of Development Research

Case study in comprehensive from an older multidisciplinary approach nursing


Tha comprehensive study assesses biopsychosocial status of the elderly through nursing visits customized to address in order to implement actions aimed at prevention, education and health promotion with independent and participatory self-promotion. The person in DHR study of 67-year-old native of Michoacan single Current address in the State of Mexico, who visit consecutively at home to care and nursing assessment in order to identify problems and risks in the and psychosocial health. Rating scales for seniors, Pfeiffer, Folstein, Yesavage, Katz, Tinetti used. As a family Apgar, personal interview to prepare genogram, sonogram and family circle; valuation applied by functional patterns of Marjory Gorgon and care plan. As a result of implemented depression, mild cognitive impairment, anxiety, nutritional imbalance, impaired mobility, memory, ambulation and teeth, impaired peripheral tissue perfusion, risk of loneliness, worthlessness, falls, visual sensory deficit and willingness to was found better manage their own health. Interventions to improve the problems encountered are based on clinical practice guidelines, of those made: stimulation of memory, maintain a clean and orderly environment, use side rails in bathrooms and proper footwear, recommendations and home modifications, extension exercises and massages, postural adjustments, determine limitations of movement, education and inspection of oral cavity technique of brushing and flossing, gum massage, identification of stressors, relaxation therapy, perception of fear, motivate decisions , trusted environment to express feelings and emotions. Professional psychological intervention, promote family life, attending social and recreational groups for adults, health education chronic degenerative diseases, provide informative educational materials, anthropometric assessment, skin folds and optometry, nutritional counseling, health education care eyes, encourage the use of lenses, hand washing, breast exams, monthly medical consultation, making laboratory studies, vulvar and vaginal cytology test. The results are continuously evaluated through visits at home, improvements were observed in depression, social integration, optometry, personal care, and food - nutrition activities available for memory and cognitive stimulation as well as for exercises and physical activity, continuous medical care to control triglycerides, glucose and somatometry.

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