Beauty as a way to meaning: Reflections under the Perspective of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Beauty as a way to meaning: Reflections under the Perspective of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis

Gracielle Reis and Sávio Moreira Emmerick


The article presents the main concepts of “beauty” as a universal principle, as well as the basic elements of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis - a theory elaborated by Viktor E. Frankl - in order to highlight the experience of beauty and aesthetics as a tool for finding the meaning of life. This study was developed in accordance with the methodological assumptions of a bibliographical research, in an attempt to correlate the thoughts of some theorists and the author's personal reflections. In a contemporaneity saturated with information, transformations and automatism, the experience of beauty, be it created, appreciated or implemented in attitudes, contributes to the rescue of contemplation and human and spiritual values. Finally, the work also demonstrates that, by touching his spirit through beauty, man is capable of self-transcendence, reinforcing the idea that beauty represents a path of human and spiritual improvement.

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