An ayurvedic drug therapy in the management of tarunya pitika W.S.R. to acne Vulgaris

International Journal of Development Research

An ayurvedic drug therapy in the management of tarunya pitika W.S.R. to acne Vulgaris


Now a day’s eating habits have changed. Consumption of junk food, Ready to cook fast food, Carbonated drinks is increasing day by day which contains preservatives and colouring agents. Due to prolonged use they gets accumalated in our body and leads to imbalances in doshas which in turns affect body as well as mind. Tarunya pitika is one of the disease mentioned under kshudra rogas. As per modern science the symptoms of Tarunya pitika are resembles with Acne vulgaris. Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilo sebaceous units. It is characterized by the formation of comedones, erythematous pappules and pustules, less frequency nodules or cysts and in some cases scarring. All the dermatologists have considered Acne as the disease of sebaceous gland and it has cosmetological importance. Generally acne lesions appears at the places where sebaceous glands are natuarally large and numerous as on Face, Cheek, Neck, Back, Chest. A short list of certain Ayurvedic drug has been categorically presented for the study to treat Tarunya pitika symptomatically, such as Arogyavardhini, Khadir, Daruharidra, Manjista etc. The combination of these Drugs is effective for the management of Tarunya pitika in the Dose of 2 Anupan-Luke warm water. Kala: Adhobhakt.

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