Automation of tambaqui fish pond aeration for energy efficiency in the Brazilian amazon
International Journal of Development Research
Automation of tambaqui fish pond aeration for energy efficiency in the Brazilian amazon
Received 11th June, 2022; Received in revised form 19th July, 2022; Accepted 20th July, 2022; Published online 27th August, 2022
Copyright©2022, Fabio Cavalcante Binattiet al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permit sunrestricted use, distribution, andreproductioninany medium,provided the original work is properly cited.
The increase in the demand for fish highlights the aquaculture potential of the Brazilian Amazon. The high cost of electric energy, lack of technical staff and inexistence of continuous control of water quality parameters are some of the factors that hinder the growth of this activity. We evaluated two opportunities for automation and optimization in commercial tambaqui farms in ponds in Amazonasstate, Brazil. The first is the manual control and recording of physical-chemical properties of the water, and the second is the high consumption of electricity by the aerators. Thus, we developed a continuous monitoring of water quality parameters, through automatic gauging, using a floating platform with onboard sensors, which was called autonomous experimental station (AES), which controls the startup and shutdown of the aerators according to established parameters, providing oxygen necessary for maintaining fish life, eliminating electricity waste and recording the parameters evaluated. As result, after integrating the AES in excavated tanks, it was possible to reduce 26% in electric energy consumption for adult fish and 52% for juvenile fish, besides registering the values of DO, pH, and temperature, generating savings for the producer and contributing to the sustainability of the activity in the Amazon.