A atuação do enfermeiro obstetra no parto humanizado: um revisão de literatura

International Journal of Development Research

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8 pages
Research Article

A atuação do enfermeiro obstetra no parto humanizado: um revisão de literatura

Dayani Steffany da Silva, Joyce Neire Vidal Alexandre Souza, Mayra Gonçalves Bezerra, Fernanda Alves de Macêdo, Dhiego Henrique Bezerra de Miranda, Walison Jonathas Martiniano da Silva, Brenda Kerollayne de Araújo Moura, Natália Vitória dos Santos, Jaqueline Orestes da Silva, Amanda Gomes da Silva, Flávia Maria Gomes de Araújo Cavalcanti, Inara Rebeka de França, Luiz Carlos da Silva and Samara Milena Nunes Coelho


Objective: To discuss the role of the obstetric nurse in humanized childbirth based on the literature. Methods: This is a descriptive and exploratory literature review study. Results: Humanizing maternal and child nursing care is vitally important because it guarantees women access to prenatal care, ensuring dignified care, a safe and healthy pregnancy, with the necessary information so that they can choose with peace of mind location, type of delivery, the professional who will assist you, the companion, the position of giving birth, among others, always respecting the participation of your family in this entire process. It is inferred that the humanization of childbirth is directly influenced by the structure of hospitals and the commitment of managers and health professionals. However, the actual implementation of the humanization of childbirth will always be more dependent on the relationship between the woman and the health professional, since communication and good interpersonal relationships are strategic tools for the quality of care provided. Although it is a contributing factor, the involvement of the nursing team with the woman is not seen in most cases, hindering the possibility of making childbirth more and more humanized. In this way, it is necessary to change this whole aspect so that births are more respectful. Conclusion: In the light of this literature review study, it was observed that the care of nursing professionals in relation to humanization has evolved in the last decade, but it is still necessary, qualified, committed professionals, who look at the pregnant woman with respect, showing to they, that they are protagonists of their lives. It can be emphasized that the nurse has a fundamental role in the conducts used in order to promote humanized childbirth, the attributions of this professional in humanized childbirth must be established in a way that values and puts into practice what is recommended by the Ministry of Health.

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