Assessment of Vitamin D serum levels in patients with oral lichen planus

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
2 pages
Research Article

Assessment of Vitamin D serum levels in patients with oral lichen planus

Dr. Priyanka Raghav


Background: This study was conducted to compare Vitamin D Serum Levels in Patients with Oral Lichen Planus and Healthy Subjects. Material and methods: There were 20 subjectsincluded in the study, diagnosed with Oral Lichen Planus and 20 subjects without the condition. Vitamin D serum levels was measured in both Oral Lichen Planus subjects and healthy controls after collecting 5 mL of blood from each group and analysing it with a vitamin D total (25-hydroxy vitamin D) kit using the electrochemiluminescence technique. Patient consent form were taken and recorded. The independent samples t-test or its non-parametric alternative was used to examine the data in SPSS 17. The cutoff for statistical significance is p<05. Results: 20 subjects were evaluated in the control group, consisting of 16 females (80%) and 4 males (20%) subjects. In the OLP group, 20 patients were evaluated, consisting of 15 females (75%) and 5 males (25%) subjects. Differences in vitamin D levels between the OLP and control groups were larger in the healthy subjects, with a mean difference of 6.4 units (ng/mL) between the two groups, but statistically using an independent t-test no significant differences were found between the two groups because of the homogeneity of variances in the two groups as verified by the Levene's test. Conclusion: Serum vitamin D levels in those with oral lichen planus were not significantly different from those in healthy people.

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