Assessment of the effectiveness of linkages between the main actors in extension delivery system in delta State, Nigeria
International Journal of Development Research
Assessment of the effectiveness of linkages between the main actors in extension delivery system in delta State, Nigeria
The study was designed to test the effectiveness of the linkages between the main actors in the extension delivery system in Delta State. The study sampled 120 farmers. Two cells were selected from five extension blocks making a total of 10 cells and six each from contact and non contact farmers were randomly selected from each of the ten cells. All the 81 extension Administration operating in the Delta North ADP zone were sampled, while Ten (10) administrators were randomly sampled from two innovation centres at five per centre. Descriptive statistical tools were employed in the study. The study found that farmers generally had a low rating for the effectiveness of linkages with the ADP services. About 57% of the farmers scored the extension agents services less than 68% on contact rating. The study concluded that there was no strong linkage that exists among researchers, extension agents and farmers.