Application of horse gram flour in extruded products
International Journal of Development Research
Application of horse gram flour in extruded products
The horse gram commonly known as kulith is a traditional unexploited tropical grain legume and well known for its hardiness, adaptability to poor soil and adverse climatic condition. The horse gram is a cheapest source of protein. Further it is also rich in minerals such as calcium. The present work is undertaken with a view to add value addition of horse gram by incorporating it in the extruded products using horse gram, maize and rice as an ingredient. The levels of horse gram varied from40,30 and 20 percent ,keeping Maize constant at 50 percent and rice as supporting as 10 ,20,and 30percent respectively. Twin screw Extruder is used for preparation of extrudates from horse gram at 275 rpm,150 0C and 3mm die. The functional properties viz. Expansion Ratio (ER), Bulk Density (BD), colour and hardness of extrudates were determined. The effect of processing parameters on functional properties was also studied.Expansion ratio, bulk density, colour and hardness were influenced by variations in flour composition. It is found that, extrudate made using horsegram, maize: rice: The findings of investigation study demonstrate the feasibility of developing value added products from horsegram based composite flour by extrusion processing. It is concluded from this study that horsegram extrudates of 20 percent horsegram with 50 percent maize, and 30 percent rice showed better functional properties as compared to all other treatments in terms of high expansion ratio and lightness in colour and lower in hardness.