Análise da produção e comercialização de açaí no estado do Pará, Brasil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Análise da produção e comercialização de açaí no estado do Pará, Brasil

Geraldo dos Santos Tavares, Alfredo Kingo Oyama Homma, Antônio José Elias Amorim de Menezes and Marivaldo Palha Palheta


This work describes aspects of the extraction, management and plantation of assai, with emphasis on the State of Pará, Amazon and Brazil. Based on the available data, it comments on the marketing of assai pulp and its derivatives in Brazil and abroad. It recommends the need to improve the statistics of assai fruit production, to create NCM for assai pulp and derivatives, and to invest in agronomic research aimed at the full domestication of this plant.

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