Allelic variants of the cyp2d6: *4, *6 and *10 in quilombola community, Maranhão, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Allelic variants of the cyp2d6: *4, *6 and *10 in quilombola community, Maranhão, Brazil

Ilka Kassandra Pereira Belfort, Marcelo dos Santos, Viviane Sousa Ferreira, Mauricio Avelar Fernandes, Allan Kardec Barros and Sally Cristina Moutinho Monteiro


Brazil has the largest blackpopulation outside Africa and the second largest in the world, surpassed only by Nigeria. More than 40% of the Brazilian population corresponds to Afro-descendants. Genotyping of the CYP2D6 gene may serve as a predictive tool for the pharmacological effectiveness and / or toxicity of various drugs. However, due to the high cost of genetic testing, it is necessary to know the population frequencies in order to facilitate the development of clinical and laboratory strategies. Based on these, the present study aimed to verify the allelic and genotype frequencies of the *4, *6 and *10 variants of the CYP2D6 gene in a quilombola community, located in the municipality of Icatu, Maranhão, Brazil. The research was performed with 150 people, DNA samples were obtained and used for genotyping of polymorphisms, from April 2013 to June 2014. The results demonstrated the presence of genetic polymorphisms of CYP2D6 *4, *6 and *10 in the remaining population of quilombo. Detection of alleles that did not carry the studied mutations was observed in 65% of the individuals, followed by heterozygosis in 37% and homozygosis in 1%. The most prevalent polymorph was *6 with 80% of heterozygotes

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