Agricultural water assessment: case of office du Niger, Mali

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
Case Report

Agricultural water assessment: case of office du Niger, Mali

Seriba KONARE; Karounga KEITA, 1Mori Diallo, Frank van WEERT, Afou Chantal BENGALY, Mamadou lamine DIAWARA, Beteo ZONGO, Ibrahima Sadio Fofana and Maria Stolk


The Government of Mali has been promotingirrigation in Mali in order to meet food needs of the growing population and in the context of climate change. One example of that effort is the Niger office which consists of a vast irrigated area for rice and vegetable production in Mali. More than two decadesago, farmers in the OdN have engaged them selve to apply fertilizer in their field to protect crops. Since then there is speculation to blame usage of fertilizer as main reason of water quality deterioration in Niger office, in order to bring more explanation to the effect of fertilizer to water quality, we have initiated that study to monitoring chemical parameters of water in office du Niger. According to WQI, we found that Sougouninda-Kolongo ville water quality to be poor, Diabali School has good water quality and the remaining 8 sample points have excellent water quality. Principal component analysis (PCA) of 9 chemical parameters result that PC1 explains 62, 66% of variance in data set. Dendrogram of Hierarchical cluster analysis presents 2 clear groups of similarity among sampling points in Niger office.

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