Administration, management and public governance in brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Administration, management and public governance in brazil

Gilberto Antonio de Souza Filho and Hilda Alberton de Carvalho


Humanity has been experiencing a constant revolution towards a global culture, having at its core the concern with sustainable development, governance and the social purpose of organizations. This wave towards sustainable capitalism is directly linked to the rhythm of the market, accountability, life cycle of technologies and geopolitical tensions. However, this is not a particularity of the private sector, as it impacts and is directly impacted by the actions and strategies of the public sector. This “command” that strategically dictates public initiatives will be exercised by the principles of good governance, which aim at the public interest. In this sense, the question that was expect to answer in this paper is: how the concepts of administration, management and public governance relate to the principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity and efficiency, of article 37 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution in the 21st century? In order to answer this question, a qualitative methodological approach was used and, as for the research objectives, these were given in an exploratory way, as it allowed the use of bibliographic research, based on published and accessible material. In the end, it was concluded that the concepts studied are dynamic in relation to the constant evolution of customs, culture and understanding of social relations.

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