Activities of daily living: Elderly

International Journal of Development Research

Activities of daily living: Elderly


Background: Population aging is observed world-wide. As per Census 2011, elderly constitutes 7.4% population of India. It is expected to increase to 19% in 2050. The geriatric assessment is a multidimensional, multidisciplinary assessment designed to evaluate an older person's functional ability
Objectives: to determine the functional status of elderly using Katz ADL index and to determine the association of level of ADL with selected  demographic variables 
Methods and materials: Descriptive cross sectional survey research design was conducted among 40 elderly people by using convenient sampling technique in rural area of Etawah. The Katz index of Activities of Daily Living tool was used to assess the ADL. Data were collected by interview method. For data analysis, SPSS version 16 was used for descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: The result showed that there was full functioning ability with mean score of 1 in dressing and continence and with 0.97 means score in bathing, toileting & feeding.  there was  moderate functionalability with 0.55 mean score in transferring. Total Mean score of elderly was 5.47 which show full functional ability with SD 0.640. There was no significant association found with selected demographic variables.
Conclusion: Rural area elderly people had 5.47 Katz ADL score which shows nearly full functional ability in elderly of 60 years & above.

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