When musical thought becomes observable: analysis of musical games workshops in a Brazilian public school

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

When musical thought becomes observable: analysis of musical games workshops in a Brazilian public school

Leandro Augusto dos Reis and Francismara Neves de Oliveira


The present article envisages an approximation to the conception of music as play with Jean Piaget's (1896-1980) Genetic Epistemology to explore possibilities for musical-pedagogical work in the school context. The study comprehends conceptual questions that involve play elements and aspects of human development, as well as empirical results of research conducted in a public school in the city of Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. With a qualitative approach, the study follows the Piagetian clinical-critical method. Participants were 12 eighth-grade elementary students. Results pointed towards the importance of understanding music as play and aspects of the thoughts involved in its development, thus designing music teaching through specific actions that favor the creative act and musical learning in school.

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