Transformed wavelet applied in voice signals for noise reduction

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Transformed wavelet applied in voice signals for noise reduction

Leandro Aureliano da Silva, Felipe Santos Moreira, Antonio Carlos Lemos Júnior, Cleiton Silvano Goulart, Lidiana Mendes Sousa, Viviane Beatriz do Nascimento, RogérioBernardes Andrade and Gilberto Felipe Fernandes


This study presents a technique for noise reduction in speech signals adapting the wavelet transform by comparing it with the power spectral subtraction. To validate the results, segmented signal noise and Itakura Saito distance relationship were used. After analyzing the obtained results, we have verified that the technique based on Wavelet transform showed lower spectral distortion and, in some cases, a better signal to noise ratio.

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