Systematization of nursing assistance: nursing activities in uterine inversion

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

Systematization of nursing assistance: nursing activities in uterine inversion

Maria Aparecida Silva Santos Macedo, Raira Piágio Silva, ThaináEmí Barreto Gomes, Olguimar Pereira Ivo and Vanderléa Alves de Oliveira


The systematization the Nursing Care - (SAE) is valuable tool in the treatment of women with uterine inversion, rare disease, defined as introversion in the uterus glove finger and takes place on the 3rd stage of labor, accompanied by bleeding, which may lead death or affect a woman's fertility. This is a descriptive study with qualitative approach of a case study, developed by fitness dêmicos nursing during practical activities of the discipline supervised II, in September 2017, in a general hospital in a southwest Bahia municipality. The data were collected from the records of the medical records followed by clinical evaluation and judgment. The study followed the ethical precepts, was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty Northeast Independent with opinion nº. 2,261,860. MSNS, c asada, age 33, G3P3 attended with severe hypovolemic shock, held pathology correction, successfully, however patient developed worsening of symptoms, requiring hysterectomy and perform splenectomy. The medical record presented evidence of the SAE application. Uterine inversion is a pathology with the potential to progress to death, so early identification and immediate intervention is necessary. Thus, SAE can help early identification of scientific evidence of pathology.

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