Stratagic assesment of use of “enjoy” auidence response system (clicker) in graduate studies in King Khalid University college of dentistry-abha- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
International Journal of Development Research
Stratagic assesment of use of “enjoy” auidence response system (clicker) in graduate studies in King Khalid University college of dentistry-abha- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Received 27th November, 2017; Received in revised form 23rd December, 2017; Accepted 11th January, 2018; Published online 28th February, 2018.
Copyright © 2018, Sultan Mohammed Kaleem et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Over the past decade, instructors in colleges and universities increasingly have used Audience Response Systems (ARS) typically in large classes to increase the level of student engagement and learning. Research shows that both students and instructors perceive ARS to be beneficial, although evidence of improved learning has been less clear. Experts emphasize that instructors must consider how technology might enhance good pedagogy in order for increases in learning to occur. However, professional groups propose goals for students in higher education that focus on deep learning rather than the knowledge-centered emphasis of many large classes. Recent research shows that Student response system coupled with pedagogical enhancements can promote deep learning when teaching and questioning strategies center on higher-level thinking skills. A framework integrating the levels of student responses with principles for good pedagogical practice is provided as a guide for using ARS to foster deep learning. Objectives: To investigate student’s perception of learning using clickers in comparison to classroom discussion & to what degree was the use of SRS perceived to motivate attendance and participation of students in the class. To provide a framework for teaching and learning with SRS in Dental education and suggested directions for using Technology based education. Expected Outcome: Believed that SRS will enhance the students learning in the course Believed that the students will more actively get engaged in the lectures. Believed to improve interaction with their fellow classmates and their evaluation over time. Analysis of the faculty perspective. Materials to be Used: Conventional Class Room Projector with e smart podium. ENJOY Audience response System software & hardware including student and faculty remotes with Receiver and cable connection System Description: Hardware consists of Student keypad, Instructor keypad, receiver, main receiver and Software for ENJOY ARS. The ENJOY Audience Response System (ENJOY ARS) is an easy-to-use response system that obtains immediate feedback from every person synchronously in a classroom or conference room. It's a system composed of hardware (instructor remote, audience (student) remote, receiver and cable, etc.) and software. The ENJOY ARS often be used to conduct the following activities: Normal Quiz, Rush Quiz, Elimination, Voting, Survey, Grade, Ad-lib Quiz, Oral Response, Attendance (Roll call), Grouping and Multi-Mode. Almost simultaneity, the ENJOY ARS can display the result histogram and score board. It will produce 11 statistics reports about these activities. The ENJOY software include 3 interactive modes: “Quiz master” uses a PowerPoint plug-in to enrich the presentations, and this makes it very easy to learn and use; “Standard Exam” is used for self-paced / paper - based test; “Quiz freedom” can be used in some other software interfaces (such as IWB, Internet online exam software, FLASH, WORD and so on), no need prepare for questions, and easy to capture the reply result chart and save them in user’s own documents.