Soft landscape elements: Importance and implications on thermal control in tropical buildings

International Journal of Development Research

Soft landscape elements: Importance and implications on thermal control in tropical buildings


Thermal control in buildings is highly essential in the tropics where high solar radiation is received throughout the year. Its importance cannot be overemphasized in the face of climate change which is rapidly changing our world and exposing it to higher risk of environmental disasters. Climate change has been attributed to increased energy use from various human activities which cause a release of carbon dioxide and other green house gases into the atmosphere. Thermal control in buildings is one of the gate ways to minimizing the energy used for cooling. This is achieved by a reduction in the surface temperature using the soft landscape elements such as trees and shrubs to prevent heat gain. This study evaluates the presence of soft landscape elements in some selected areas of Akure metropolis.  The study adopted the review of relevant literature in combination with the quantitative method of data collection and used structured questionnaires to collect the necessary data. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSSx) and results were expressed in simple percentages and frequency. The study reveals that most areas understudied are without soft landscape elements that can help reduce heat gains into the buildings interiors. Consequently, consciously planned soft landscape should be part of the building design and be enforced by the government in order to have reduced energy use in buildings for cooling.

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