Role of zinc deficiency in covid-19 infection

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Role of zinc deficiency in covid-19 infection

Ozdan Akram Ghareeb, Goljameen Midhat Abdulla, Awni Ismail Sultan and Samed Abduljabbar Ramadhan


There is no doubt that zinc is one of the micro-minerals essential for the growth and healthy construction of the body.Besides, several studies have recorded that it is extremely important for the development of the immune system.Thus, people with deficient levels of zinc are more susceptible to infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and cancer.This study article aimed to provide an illustrative review of zincrole in alleviating potential symptoms of COVID-19 infection.Because zinc deficiency contributes to respiratory infections, it is considered a remarkableindicator of the relationship between zinc deficiency and susceptibility to COVID-19 infection.There is currently no approved antiviral treatment designed specifically for this infection, so practical guidelines have been developed that contribute to the treatment of COVID-19 patients, including the prevention of malnutrition and the need to obtain a sufficient amount of essential vitamins and minerals to prevent viral infections.Zinc is a promising, cost-effective and widely accessible treatment strategy for COVID-19 patients, with little or no adverse effects.It is recommended to establish a COVID-19 nutrition network that brings together diverse clinical and scientific expertise in the field of nutrition, in addition to those involved in critical care treatment, in order to prepare for future deadly infections and pandemics.

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