Revisão Integrativa: Comportamentos Sedentários, Síndrome Metabólica E Seus Componentes Em Populações Quilombolas

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Revisão Integrativa: Comportamentos Sedentários, Síndrome Metabólica E Seus Componentes Em Populações Quilombolas

Claudio B. de Almeida1, Cezar A. Casotti


This study aimed to identify the relationships among elevated sedentary behaviors (SB) and the presence of metabolic syndrome (MS), or its components, in remaining populations of quilombos. It is an integrative review, about the relationships among SB, SM and MS components, in articles published in the period from 2016 to 2020. The searches were carried out through the Portal de periódicos da CAPES (sedentary behavior "OR" sitting position "OR" screen time "AND" metabolic syndrome "AND" Quilombola "; and," sedentary behavior "OR" sitting position "OR" screen team "AND" Quilombolas "), and Google Scholar website (Quilombola AND sedentary behavior; Quilombola AND sitting position; Quilombola AND screen time). Four quilombolaspopulation studies were selected, among these three adults assessed and the elderly, three were conducted in Bahia State, three in rural communities. The articles are cross-sectional and presented evidence level VI. No article presented the SB as an outcome, and when used as a dependent variable, the SB did not show associations with the other outcomes. Only one article evaluated MS. Thus, it is concluded that the evidence does not support the existence of consistent relationships between high SB and the presence of MS or its components in quilombolas populations.

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