Results of using green fallow on irrigated soil to enhance the fertility of soil

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Results of using green fallow on irrigated soil to enhance the fertility of soil

Otgonbaatar, I., Nyamjav, S. and Altangerel, U


In our country average precipitation is annually 250-300 mm, and when we assuming that we need 22, 0-30,2 mm precipitation for getting 1 centner of wheat and thus means it is sufficient for 7-10 centner yield. For more yield use irrigation systems to provide the fields with enough water and humidity is important issue. Cultivation using rotation is not only for producing high yields but also it is important for stabilizing and improving the soil fertility like the first condition of the soil. Beside destroyed through wind and water the nutrient layer of the soil degraded by agricultural activities and the fertility of the soil is decreased by yield. The USSR researchers stated that grains reduced 0.5-1.0 tons of soil humus annually and increase with 0.3-0.4 tons each year, while other crops are decreasing 1.5-3.0 times more than the grain cultivation. In irrigation conditions, the soil particles with 0.25-10 mm in diameter at the layer of 0-20 cm in rotation of potatoes increased after harvesting, and compared with other types the rotation with green fallow shows 0.8-1.4% more results. At 0 to 20 cm depth of the soil the humus content was increased by 0.06-0.31%, the rotation with green fallow was about 0.03-0.25% greater than the other types.

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